



From BA re: my trashing Central: "I did not care for your comment that you made at the last meeting of the whole"

From Db re: trashing Central:
"We can't believe all the negative attacks since the annoucement that Denfeld would close." (part of my reply is missing)

From SP re: my trashing Central:  It was stated that Board Member Welty was quoted as saying on some radio show that - Central is easiest to close because the parents have the least resistence.   Or something of this nature. I am very offended at this statement.

A Marine - Here I am, as US Marine stationed overseas. I had a
dream about some people from my high school last night
and thought that I'd look up what I could find on the
internet. And lo and behold! What do I find but a
situation governing my city's schools like the one
that governs my military.

Promises Promises   Is it possible that I am running my tail off trying to get the word out so we can pass this levy to help save our schools and you folks have not even passed a resolution agreeing  that you will not close a  high school unless the population in grades 9-12 goes below 2800?